Saturday, November 19, 2005

life goes on

well, the great maternal visit is over. my mother came, liked the house, liked the dog, my db and the perfect wife came over, i was civilized. we all ate and then they left. and mum went home before the snow flew.

the quilt hanger came in a timely manner and mr m put it up on his way out of dodge. i put the red star quilt on it, and mary was very impressed that that red matched almost to a "T" the red in the dinning room chairs. i made 2 pillows, one from a harmonic convergence practice piece and one with stars using the focus fabric and another red. i finished the curtains and got everything hung, albeit, crookedly. the killer work-in-progress in the sewing room never out started, but given the amount of time the guests spend in the sewing room, they never would have noticed anyway.

mary was satisfied the the state of the house, denise is at least $600-700 richer, i got the cat pee smell out of my bedroom carpet (or have gotten so totally used to it, i don't smell it anymore). so all and all, it went well.

the good news is, i sewed. the bad new, the points didn't match.

and so it goes.


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