Friday, October 28, 2005

blockage continues

i'm still here. life has just been a little too real lately. my mother is coming to visit in 2 weeks. and mary has been hysterical over the state of the the house. well, it is kinda messy. we are messy people. we have books and dog toys and quilty stuff and rubber stamp stuff and too much furniture and no storage. so yes, the place is messy. but let's face it. given my track record for clutter, it's a paradise. so not only have we gone through every closet, box, and bag in the house, but we've moved most of the furniture (some of it several times)and dusted and vacuumed enough to give mary an asthma attack. she still is worried about it looking like a trailer. but it is a trailer. and when the directions to your house include "the doublewide in the trailer park behind the cracker barrel, you know, the one just off the highway"...well it pretty much screams trailer trash. but it's really a "modular home" in a "modular home community." and my mother will not care.

now, my asshole brother and his perfect wife, that's going to be something different. my dear, sweet, clueless mother invited them over for sunday dinner. i thought mary was going to spit! hell, i was, and may still spit. we are going to have to entertain them, heck, figure out where everybody is going to sit. 2 on the couch, 1 each in the 2 rockers. somebody gets the desk chair. and if the kid comes, somebody has to stay in the car!

the silver lining in this familial black cloud is that it gives me a dead line. i work best under pressure. i have to get the living room curtains finished, curtains for my room have suddenly become and issue, a slip cover for the dog's chair, something quilty (one of the vatne family quilts maybe) on the wall, and something really hot looking in progress in the sewing room. unforturnately only a few of these things are doable. living room curtains - they are all cut out and i just need to sit down for a day and hem. ditto curtains for my room. slipcover - don be rediulos, i've never made a slip cover in my life and don't plan on starting now. that's what catalogs are off (i see really expensive nextday shipping charges in my future).

something quilty on the wall - i have 4or5 30's quilts made 2 generations back by the women of my mother's stepfather's family, the vatne's. most of them are pretty worn, but there is a grandmother's flower garden that looks like it was never used. my favorite is eight pointed star blocks,
small (14x14 or so) alertnating with white (well, off white blocks now) lots of quilting. and very faded. the stars are red, faded down to a coral now. i think it's older that the 30's be don't really know. the appeal of this quilt is that isn't perfect. it's hand pieced and the diamonds of the star points are a little crocked. the quilting is a little big and uneven. one side of the binding has been replaced with bright red and machine stitched cotton/poly (i'm guessing) and the machine stitching is in white. someone's first big quilt maybe? a ufo finally finished? loved and used even though it wasn't perfect. keep even though it had be be repaired? i wish i knew its story. anyway. a not perfect quilt to go on the wall of the not perfect house for when the perfect sister-in-law comes... sound like a plan? i know i sound petty, but really, she buys cheap overseas knockoff quilts!


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